So, I know that I've said I have been trying to cut back on the shopping,
but it's date night tonight ladies, and I get really excited about date night. Gotta look good for the hubs, right? PLUS, Tia made me go shopping with her on my lunch break today and it is a torture slightly akin to having one's finger nails pulled off for me to watch and not buy
anything. DOUBLE PLUS, I spotted a serious MUSTY at Forevs and absolutely could not pass up. I have been eyeing this LUSTY for some time now at

Which is why my wallet-grab reflex went into affect when I spotted this knock-off (which I nabbed in faux gold) at F21. It's not quite as awesome, but it's certainly not ninety percent less awesome and it did cost ninety percent less. Which is awesome.
And, oh yeah, I might have also bought
this. (way cuter in person)
Have a great weekend!
F21 has the BEST cheapy accessories. Heart them!