So, here she is folks, my first official Haute Mama of the Month:

Lindsey Stafford is a good friend of mine from college and a true Haute Mama in every sense of the word. Linds left an office job in merchandising to spend more time with her adorable daughter Sadie, and decided to fulfill a dream while she was at it, so she picked up a camera and started a photography business that's been growing like wildfire ever since (sounds simple, right? She sure made it look that way). Lindsey has a true natural talent and an amazing creative eye, and she somehow manages to capture my boys looking at the camera and smiling (which is an incredible feat, considering they usually run in the opposite direction with villainous looks on their faces). She's also a full-time mom and yes, just as you may have suspected, looks adorable ALL THE TIME.
So, in addition to checking out Linds's site and her fun blog (special thanks to her btw, for all of the blog insights and tips she's given to yours truly), you can check out some of her Haute Mama must-haves below:
(HM): What are some of your personal style Haute Mama Must-haves?
(LS): J. Crew Metallic ballerina flats- cute, stylish and practical!
(HM): Amen sister, I've had the same pair since '08. They fit like a glove and still look great. BTW, these are on sale for $74!

(LS): a pair of James Jeans- affordable, classic, great with flats & boots
(HM): Considering the exorbitant price tags on jeans these days- these are a steal. I also tried on these J Brands in a similar look at Anthropologie the other day and the "curvy" fit did wonders for my waist-line- no muffin-top in sight. Plus- they're almost 50% off..

(HM): You can't afford not to own one of these cute little striped numbers! I'm also loving this cheeky little ditty.

(HM): What are some of your Haute Mama Work Must-haves?
(LS): My Camera! probably the most stylish and creative thing I own.
Also, Cute rainboots for shoots(and for running around parks, beaches, playgrounds with the kiddos I take pics of) - from Target -mine have polka dots

(HM): Anthropologie has a great selection

(LS): cute shades - Ray ban or Electric

(HM): What are some of your Haute Mama Mommy necessites?
(LS):the Miracle Blanket for when they are teeny and a sleep sack for when they're a little bit bigger. Both complete lifesavers.
(HM): These were two of my absolute necessities as well. The Miracle Blanket, or "the straitjacket", as we called it in my house, was the perfect remedy for an overtired newbie with flailing limbs. The sleep sack is the perfect way to ensure little toes stay cozy when they can't have a big old down comforter like mom. Speaking of, get a load of the Kangapouch! I wouldn't mind bundling up in one of these bad boys.

(LS): CROCS all the way. In any bright color. I now understand why all kids wear them. So essential.
(HM): Max and Hud live in their "crocodilios" all summer long. We wear green ones- it's our signature color.

(HM): I think I ovulate every time I see a pair of these.

(LS): and, a fabulous little puffy vest
(HM): This one by Lily Pulitzer has owls on it- how cute is that??

So, thanks to Lindsey, for being such a fun stylish person and a GREAT friend. Plus, she produces things like this on a daily basis that make me smile:

OH, and this:

Linds is definintely a haute momma and her photos are amazing! looks like i need to invest in some JCREW flats - nude please.